No sooner had the final curtain dropped on the junior high production of “James And The Giant Peach”… then we were into costuming for the high school’s annual rendition of “A Christmas Carol” spin-off. This year the theme was borrowed from Disney’s Toy Story movies: “A Toy Christmas” was born…The characters were brainstormed
and the costumes planned out. (This video produced by the school documents some of the drama behind the scenes…)
We again spent hours at our favorite discount fabric store, SAS. Our favorite behind-the-bridal-cutting-counter employee Svetlana always takes time to do our nearly hour-long cutting/counting/weighing process to check out.My
largest first project was fitting “Hamm” with a generic pattern. Here’s how I did it:
I used about 13 feet of paper off the artist roll…
I split the pattern piece down the “straight of grain” arrow,
then I cut where it said “lengthen or shorten here”.
I marked straight lines on the paper to keep the pattern pieces properly aligned.
Used a glue stick to adhere the pattern tissue to the artist paper.
Carefully pressed the tissue into the proper corners.
I tore off the excess paper from the back (as it was difficult to pin through.)
Removed paper from both sides of enlargment.
These were the other costumes under my care:
What a grand show it was!
This is video I captured during the second performance. Love that Green Army Men Stomp!If you’d like to see more pictures of “A Toy Christmas” you can do that here. (I “borrowed” a few myself, since I wasn’t sitting close enough to get a good shot…)
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