
April 18, 2012

Why I Pinterest

I am a Pinterest addict.
But, it's not like you think.

I can quit any time I want.
Wait, no -- actually I cannot! (I would be lost!)

I use Pinterest as it truly was designed: as a giant virtual pinboard to organize the myriad of things I must have to hope to one day try or copy.
(messy? Don't even ask about the boxes of magazine pages & recipe clippings...)
Data storage on my PC is limited, and the file name gives me no clue as to why I saved the site address.

Even my internet "favorites" looks like this:
Therefore, I installed the "pin it" button on my browser 
so that when I come across a fantastic blog or recipe -- BAM! -- it's pinned so that I can easily come back to it!

I don't "follow" anybody's Pinterest board. (That's not to say I don't peruse others' pins & boards & do plenty of repinning their awesome finds...) I do, however, ensure that I've pinned with the original site address. (Except in those rare cases where I cannot find the originator...) Most of my pins come from blogs I frequent. (...or friends of friends' blogs I frequent...)

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