
May 17, 2011

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Muffins

Do you need a quick-fix (I mixed by hand...) goodie for brunch or tea? A little something not too heavy or overly sweet? These muffins fit the bill!
 I combined advice for quick breads from various friends like Paula (you know, Deen...) Martha (yes, her!), Fannie (the Farmer) & Joy (of Cooking) plus a bit of experimentation to create my recipe.

Aside from the dog-eared aspect of my cookbooks, I have another disclaimer -- only the finest ingredients for this cook! (Finest meaning items with very good flavors purchased in bulk at Business Costco!)
Why yes! That is a 10# bag of chocolate chips & a 5# keg of peanut butter! (Mr. Footballer is supposed to be weight training & eating five PB&J sandwiches a day... We use a lot of peanut butter!)


What do you think?