
October 15, 2012

those who serve


The Sunday lesson for my kindergarten class this week was Jesus washing the feet of His disciples.  Such an incredible example He set for us! Nobody performed the customary foot bathing as the disciples entered from the dusty street for this last meal with their Savior.  There were no volunteers to even provide the water & towel so each man could even cleanse his own feet. (If they were like my sons they were probably nudging each other saying, “You do it.” “No, you do it.” “I’m not your servant. I’m not gonna touch your smelly feet!”)

Jesus did not announce His intention. There were no banners unfurled that stated: Look at Me. I’m going to serve! After the meal He simply & quietly removed His long outer garment and took up a towel & basin to carry out the duty of a slave.

The lesson here is humility and service shown in the life of a leader.  I know some very strong men who would not think twice about stooping so low…serve

… and I know a few men who would disdain picking up a towel or basin; even for the ones they profess to love.

I don’t know how much my young class will retain of the story & its meaning; but they fought over the “Jesus costume” and wooden bowl & towel. (One boy was complaining that so&so wouldn’t sit down and take off his shoes – he was running around the room trying to chase him down…)

I baked some cookies to remind them of the story.feets

I made little “towels” from some scrap fabric.towls

The envelopes were velum cut to 8” squares; and I used mailing labels for sealing them shut.envs

I took my grandmother’s old wooden fruit bowl for my basin & used a plain ol’ tea towel to illustrate my point.


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