
December 16, 2011

love LOVE loving

Kristy across the water at Paisley Jade reminds us every week:   I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.

So, for this busy week I'm thankful for Christmas angels heralding the Good News of the Season of the Savior:
(Can you see the little battery-operated tea light inside?)
. . . a doggie tug-o-war photographed by my middle son:
(They're actually growling over a squeaky stuffed puppy.)
. . . the same son who quipped, "If it Fitz, it ships."
(My football-loving boys have named him Fitz-Warner after their favorite Cardinals.)
. . . tree captured through the window of an antique shop downtown:
(Don't you ♥ the glass ribbons?)
. . . fleece stocking cap for a nephew turning 18:
(Yes, those are skull letters.)
. . . and being finished with teacher gifts for the year:
(Stay tuned for what's filling those bags...)


  1. Love the pictures!
    I gave you a blog award... stop by and check it out!

  2. Wow - lots of fun and crafty things going on here! That Christmas tree looks so pretty and the dogs are so cute!


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