April’s been a busy month; so I was grateful the ingredients for the Improv Cooking Challenge were simple. The real challenge with HAM & CHEESE in this house is keeping it stocked! We had a bit of ham leftover from Easter, so I made our first attempt early in the month. I tried a second one with slightly varied ingredients about a week after, but the end result of that one was not so good. Third triumphant endeavor was this morning…
In researching gluten-free breads for the past few years I’d come across this recipe many times, but never made it because I assumed it would require too much effort. I was wrong ~ these are quite simple to make. The most difficult thing about them is keeping yourself from
inhaling devouring consuming gobbling eating the entire batch!The base “flour” for these goodies is tapioca starch. That is what makes the inside of the roll so deliciously chewy. I used Bob’s Red Mill Tapioca Flour for this first batch. The second notanywherenearsuccessful try was made with arrowroot (because I read a couple recipes which indicated they used that & it worked!) but the inside was terribly gummy. (Problem solved after baking by splitting & toasting…) For the third time’s a charm batch today, I simply used a bag of tapioca starch I bought at the Asian market for 79¢ !
The cheese in our first bread was a Medium Cheddar. Second one we used Swiss (at the request of the youngest fella…) Today I used Pepper Jack!
The rolls today omitted the ham and were baked on silicon sheets ~ now I have some delicious sandwich rounds!
Here are some more HAM & CHEESE recipes from the Challenge:
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