The 6th month of the year is has always been a whirlwind for my family. When I was growing up, my grandparents’ anniversary was on the 2nd, my parents’ the 6th, then came Father’s Day & my birthday right on top of each other. Grandpa & Grandma had a camp that they ran for at least two weeks of this month as well.
Then I decided to have a June wedding, and my in-law’s decided to have both their birthdays in June, too!
If you blend the above facts with this month’s trips, you can see that June was, well, INSANE!
In between the two Colorado jaunts we took Mom & Dad out for dinner to celebrate their joint birthdays. Creative planning running thin, we decided to take them to, ummmmmmmm, Rudy’s.
I was able to muster a few creative juices to make their gifts.
I made this for my MIL with the help of my digital cutting machine & a frame from the HobLob.
For the FIL (a man who ♥s coffee & adores fudge) I whipped up a batch of Espresso Toffee-topped Espresso Fudge.Silly me, I made the old-fashioned recipe of fudge where you have to beat it until your arm falls out of the socket.
But it was worth it!
The toffee was my favorite part of it all.
Although, the fudge wasn’t too bad…
My, my you have been a busy bee. Good times though, I'm sure.