But if you wish to see how I served up my bread & butter, keep reading to the end…
Here are my baguette slices – fresh from the oven…
Yup – I’ve been stitching, again. Our youngest son’s spring play, “The Elves and the Shoemaker” opens tomorrow night. The past few weeks have been the usual frenzy of planning costumes, frequenting thrift shops, spending a morning pawing through fabrics at SAS, and sitting behind the machines constructing a few costumes.My first task was to make a tailcoat for the cowardly, yet dapper (foppish, even) character “Trescott”.
We couldn’t find the perfect fabric, but we came the closest with a quilt-weight cotton print. We decided to fully line it to “bulk it up” a bit.
The pattern uses facings for the inside front collar and back shoulders. I simply cut the outer and lining fabric from the same pattern pieces. (I cheated by stacking the cloths so I would only have half as much to cut out!)
My mom’s serger sure comes in handy!
I made three covered buttons.
I cut and ironed a huge strip of bias fabric since the directions call for that to trim all the outer edge. I chose to just apply it to the cuffs.
There was quite a bit of hand stitching to be done for the sleeve lining and waist.
I can not wait to show you pictures of the finished Trescott in tomorrow’s performance!
I’ll also bring you pictures of a special “transformation” dress and the elves’ raggedy outfits.
“Hymns breathe the praise of the saints, the vision of the prophets,
The prayers of the penitent and the spirit of the martyrs.
They bring solace to the sad, assurance to the perplexed,
Faith to the doubter and comfort to the oppressed.
They span the centuries of history,
And bridge the barriers of denominations.
Study them to be pure in heart; sing them to be joyful in spirit,
Store them in the mind to possess a treasury of worship.”
— Unknown
My heart has turned to hymns many times these past few weeks. Most times I can get through at least one verse without crying.
We live in such a hurting world; and I try to make sense of all the pain. Sometimes I feel as if God doesn’t really care about my loved ones’ suffering through cancer. Where’s His concern for a tiny boy born with a broken heart? Too many questions…
In 1773, a very depressed man named William Cowper (pronounced “Cooper”) tried to end his life by drowning. He had attempted suicide at least three times previously; and had been in and out of mental asylums. On this occasion, however, his intended place of death was the Thames River. There was a thick fog and the driver of the cab became lost. Evidently they wandered for a time; then somehow the carriage ended up back in front of Cowper’s lodging. It was then that he wrote:
God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform;
He plants His footsteps in the sea
And rides upon the storm.
Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never failing skill
He treasures up His bright designs
And works His sov’reign will.
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
In blessings on your head.
Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust Him for His grace;
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.
His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flow’r.
Blind unbelief is sure to err
And scan His work in vain;
God is His own interpreter,
And He will make it plain.
These verses speak to my heart during this time. The Creator of the universe does have a plan. Those clouds I am dreading are huge with mercy, and will break and spill blessing over my head.
Thank you Jesus!
Dear hubs got himself a Kindle for Christmas. He researched cases and bought a nice leather-like one with an electronic clasp that switches the device on when opened.It looks pretty nice, but might be a little hard to handle if you’re trying to get out the door while juggling a laptop bag, lunch box, truck keys and mug of coffee… Well - - I just figured a guy might need some help.
Reen of Embroidery Garden created a design that was my ultimate solution. Her “hipster” is the perfect size for the Kindle.I rummaged through my stash to find a manly fabric and came up with a blue soft flannel plaid, and masculine striped suit lining.
The bag flew together like nothing (if you subtract the time spent cutting fabric, standing in line at Lowe’s to buy D-rings, taxiing boys to school, play practice & karate…)
My model is 6’ 7” and the bag crosses to ride nicely on his hip.
One of his sons remarked, “Hey Dad, nice purse!”
To which he replied, “It’s a murse. It’s for my Kindle.”
“Oh, so it’s a Kurse?”