
June 14, 2018

A Crafty Interruption...

I realize I was in the middle of telling you the story about our May parties, but I'm going to show you a quick couple of #Silhouettemakes that I was able to squeeze in:

First up are the arrow signs my dad & I cut out of scrap wood. (These were for routing the grad party traffic to the back yard...)

My parents' anniversary was a few days later, so I made this for their entryway:

While visiting the shop a couple weeks ago, I saw that Bob had acquired a bunch of skeleton keys.

I knew my anniversary card for Keith was going to need to utilize one of those! So the next time I worked, I had to buy one...

(...of course, the back says some mushy nonsense about the key to my heart & all that jazz...)

Nothing gives me more joy than making our 18-year-old squirm by utilizing (proper context, too...) the words "woke" & "lit". He rolls his eyes & says, "Mom, just stop."
So you know he loved this shirt I made for my daddy's Father's Day gift:

Even after I added this important part, he just shook his head & walked away...

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May 17, 2018

today is **PIE** day

( I was never good at mathing... I'm a little better at calendaring -- so I DO know that today is not March 14th )

Fortunately I was able to get to my mom's to use her mighty Cuisinart for the pie crusts.
While I was there she loaded me with pecans from my dad's trees.

(Just look at the difference between his & Costco's!)

I also figured since she'd been baking her way to Daddy's heart for some 60 years now; I'd nab her secret family recipe for his favorite pecan pie.

...turns out the secret recipe belongs to the Betty Crocker family! posted from Bloggeroid

May 11, 2018


Oh, dear little blog, don't go into shock as I've not connected with you since November... Just get ready for a flood of posts to make up for it!

Here we are prepping for another graduation party. OUR VERY LAST HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION!

This time, however, our "dipped Oreos•" will not be covered in ghastly-sweet candy melts!

The executive decision was made to use plain ol' dark chocolate instead...

(Now to find room in the fridge to store these bad boys for a couple weeks!)

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