
December 11, 2014

Mrs. Butterworth® gets her wings

A few years ago my mom gave me an old syrup bottle.mrsBOf course she started living in the kitchen. (The bottle, not my mom…)mrsB1
Struck with a “stroke of genius” I rescued the heart insert from an old spring-form pan and rusted it.
Attached with wire, and in the right light, Mrs. B looks like an angel.
She tried to fit in with the other angels atop the old telephone table; but the space was a bit cramped...
She thought she might try the angel tree in the front room; but realized without a light of her own, she was outshone by some of the others.

mrsB3…but she looks marvelous living in my kitchen.

(I believe I will show Mrs. B off over at NewlyWoodwards for Dare to Deck the Halls linky party.)


  1. This is such a cute idea - she's positively sweet in her new home.

    Thanks for linking up to Dare to DIY!

  2. What a great idea. Love how she glows in the light :)


What do you think?