
April 28, 2014

Granny Paddle

Many times I’ve had people clearing out grandma’s closet ask me if I’d like some fabric. Usually I say “Sure!” and toss it into my hoarding ummmmmm… stash. Should’ve said no on this cut from my momDSCN0501because truly, my family is a slightly fanatical when it comes to anti-University of Arizona sentiment.ASUthermals(my favorite thermal for whatever cold days there might be here in the desert…)

IMG_20131207_160459_825(the guys ready for a game – but the one on the left was sick so they took Grandpa instead…)

IMG_20130927_115453(even Auggie has ASU spirit!)

We do, however, “associate” with a few members of the other side. SmileDSCN0335I decided to make a “Grandma’s Paddle” for a friendDSCN0334who was crossing the pond to visit her newest grandbaby. I bet it never gets used… Winking smile

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